Don't worry, you will have Enough.

Philippians  4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Are you afraid you won't have enough for your needs?

Jesus gave us understanding through the story of  feeding the five thousands.. 

Observe three things about the disciples..

First,  they tried to escape the problem.  They told Jesus,  ' send them away, that they may go...  And buy themselves bread' (Mark 6:36).  But He said no.

Jesus understood that you grow by dealing with problems,  not avoiding them. 

Your faith increases only as you place  a demand on it. Laziness and inactive faith will fail you in the hour of need., so you must feed on God's word and exercise your faith regularly. 

Secondly.  The Disciples thought what they had wasn't enough.  'There is a lad here who has five barely loaves and two small fish,  but what are they among so many?' (John 6:9)

God will ask you to look at what you've got because even though it doesn't look like much,  when you factor Him in,  it'll be more than enough to meet the need. 

In the disciples' hands it was just lunch for one,  but in Christ's  hand it became dinner for five thousand. 
So put what you have into God's hands and let Him work. 

Thirdly,  only when the disciples obeyed His plans was their need met. 

When you ask God for a miracle,  He will often give you a plan with a set of instructions. 

At that point your obedience sets the timer, activates the plan,  and determines the results. 

With God,  there is no lack and no limit,  when it was over, ...  But they took up twelve baskets full of fragments and it the fish (Mark 6:43).

Don't worry,  you will have enough,  but you must cooperate with God.

God bless you.