Lies behind their Truth

2 Peter  2:19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.

They promise joy,  yet they inflict suffering

They promise happiness,  yet they are source of agony and pain.

People look unto them as men of dignity,  yet they are men of dishonor

Little did  they know,  God will bring vengeance on every man that lie,  that deceive others,  that oppresses the poor. 

No matter how you know how to deceive others,  you will eventually be deceived too.

Jacob deceived his brother of his blessing,  but he was eventually payed back in his own coin while choosing a wife. 

If you are in the same category,  it is time for you to repent,  before the anger of the Lord caught  up with you. 

It is not too late, 

God bless you.