Look at the Right Mirror

1 Peter 3:3-4  (NIV) Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.
 4.Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

The world's best fashion designers are concerned with the total look  of the models they send down the catwalk.

They must have the perfect accessory and the right hairstyle,  makeup etc.  And it's the same with God.

He created you as a whole person with specific features,  personality traits,  and emotional strengths. 

He designed you to be a vibrant,  thinking,  feeling and fully functioning human being with your own unique attractiveness,

But He endowed you with more than just physical appearance. He gave you talents and spiritual gifts- inner qualities He wants you to develop and use for His purposes. ..

What you are on the inside should determine how you see yourself on the outside. 

When your looks determine your worth,  a few extra naira can wipe you out; so also  magazine covers  that trumpet beauty without character.  You are looking at the wrong mirror.

The Bible says,  'don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles,  expensive jewellery,  or beauty clothes. 

You should cloth yourself instead with the beauty that comes from within...

When your self-worth comes from God instead of people,  you can wear a 200 naira outfit from a 'bend down select'  (used cloths)  or a 20,000 naira from a boutique.  You are fine either way...

...because you recognise that your outer appearance doesn't define who you are, or determine your worth in God's eyes. 

Inner Beauty can't be bought,  taken off,  applied like makeup or put on like a new suit.  Its an 'inside job', 

So,  look at yourself today in God's mirror and try to see what He values most.  Inner Beauty. 

God bless you.