
Showing posts from August, 2019

Commit Yourself

2 Timothy  4:16 At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.  4:17 Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. Until I am committed there is hesitancy,  a chance to draw back.  But the moment I definitely  commit myself,  then God moves also and a whole stream of events begin.  All manner of unforseen incidents,  meetings,  people,  and material assistance of which i never dreamed,  begin to move towards me.  So,  commit yourself when others refuse to go with you,  commitment means going on alone.  Daniel dined and prayed alone.  Elijah sacrificed and witnessed alone,  Jeremiah prophesied and wept alone.  Paul said,  ' No man stood with me,  but all men forsook me...  Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me,  and strengthened me...  And I was deliver

Reveal Myself to Me

Psalms  139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: Our character is not revealed just by our actions,  but our reactions.  Actions can be planned,  but reactions are spontaneous.  They gives us a glimpse of what's really in our heart.  At that point we can look at it and deal with it.  Who among us would really admit that at times we're greedy,  lustful,  controlling or insecure?  Or resentful of the blessing of God that's evident in the lives of others? When the psalmist prayed,  'Try me,  and know my thoughts',  he was inviting God to create the circumstances that would bring to the surface in him all the 'junk'  at the bottom of the lake of his subconscious,  hidden from view not only from the  eyes of other people but also from his own eyes.  Paul writes to the believers in Galatia and says,  'My dear children,  I feel as if am going through labour pains for you... And they will continue until Christ is fu

Don't despise your small Beginning

Zechariah  4:10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth. Everything big begins with something small,  and your attitude in the beginning often determines your success at the end.  The Bible says,  'who despises the day of small things?'  delight in what God gives you to start with,  because He does,  thank Him for your small beginnings.  Before the draught ended and the rains came,  Elijah saw a cloud the size of a man's hand (1kings 18:44),  that's very small,  but he rejoiced over it because it was a sign of bigger things to come.  Don't destroy your seed by doubting it's potential. God gives you a seed of hope,  something small but something is better than nothing.  Take that seed and plant it,  pray over it and believe in God for increase.  A lot of us throw our seed awa

Rest In Peace (RIP)

Revelation 21:8   But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”, The phrase 'Rest in peace'  is often said to express the hope that someone's spirit has found peace after death.  ... 'she was a decent and compassionate woman,  May she rest in peace.' But the question is,  do they  actually rest in peace?,  do they all actually found peace after their death? No one has ever gone to the world beyond and brought stories of how the after life is,  but God gave a revelation of how our end will surely be.  Living our life in His will till death can guarantee us peace in the after life. Death is not the end of life,  but the beginning of eternity,  death is just the end of time. With the way you are living your life now,  do you think you will ever have peace afte

Use your Authority

  Luke  10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Has the devil singled you out for attack?  Are you wondering,  'why would he even, bother  with someone like me?' ...  The answer is influence.  Job's influence was a constant irritant to Satan.  One day God said to Satan,  'Have you considered my servant Job,  that there is none like him?'...  Shortly after that conversation  Satan attacked job's health,  his children,  his marriage and business.   You can't get God's attention without getting Satan's too,  whatever glorifies God,  enrages our enemy.  But you have the power to overcome him.   Jesus said,  'I saw satan fall like lightening from heaven.  I have given you authority to overcome all power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.  (Luke 10:18) You have not been called to defeat Satan ; Jesus already did t

Blessing comes by Association

Genesis  30:27 And Laban said unto him, I pray thee, if I have found favour in thine eyes, tarry: for I have learned by experience that the LORD hath blessed me for thy sake. There is a principle in the Bible we all need to learn if we are to enjoy God's best in life.  Blessing comes by association,  the Bible says,  'He who walk with the wise men will be wise.... The story of Israel entering the promised land teaches us that we can keep company with people like Joshua and Caleb and go in and possess it,  or hang around with the other ten spies who believed it couldn't be done and die in the wilderness When Joshua entered Potiphar's house,  he brought great blessing with him,  when he went to Pharaoh's Palace,  the entire nation prospered.  When Jacob wanted to return home to his own family,  Laban,  his father-in-law said,  'please stay... For I have learned by experience that the Lord has blessed me for your sake'. The Philippian church had a

Lies behind their Truth

2 Peter  2:19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. They promise joy,  yet they inflict suffering They promise happiness,  yet they are source of agony and pain. People look unto them as men of dignity,  yet they are men of dishonor Little did  they know,  God will bring vengeance on every man that lie,  that deceive others,  that oppresses the poor.  No matter how you know how to deceive others,  you will eventually be deceived too. Jacob deceived his brother of his blessing,  but he was eventually payed back in his own coin while choosing a wife.  If you are in the same category,  it is time for you to repent,  before the anger of the Lord caught  up with you.  It is not too late,  God bless you. 


Luke  19:17 And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities. Money will buy you a bed but not sleep,  books but not brains,  food but not an appetite,  a house but not a home,  medicine but not health,  luxuries but not happiness,  image but not character,  and religion but not salvation.  You say,  'Does this mean God doesn't want me to have money?'  No.  He will actually trust you with more money when you demonstrate that your trust is not in your money but on him alone. The Bible teaches three things about money.  One,  when you become a good steward of what you have,  God will entrust you with more... (Luke 19: 15-17 ) Two.  When your focus is on serving others,  God will entrust you more , when Job took the focus off himself and began to pray for others,  God gave him twice as much as he had before (Job 42:10) Three. When you can walk away from material th

Talk about it.

James  5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. It feels good to live without shame,  that doesn't mean you'll never stumble,  it just mean that by God's grace you'll get back up.  Do you remember when you had to get a permission slip to miss school?,  some of us have given ourselves permission slip to be weak,  because we've become weary in the fight.  Yes,  it's long fight,  but you can win if you wan to...  Here is one of the keys to victory... Confess your faults one to another,  and pray one for another,  that ye may be healed.  If you are struggling to break a habit that's trying to break you,  God never intended you do it alone. Whatever your Habit or struggle may be,  the moment it comes tell it on,  talk about it,  when you do,  it begins to lose its power.  You say tell who?...  Someone who's been thr

Who are you?

John  13:4 He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. Do you worry about that if people knew the 'real'  you,  they wouldn't like you? Or that if you let down your guard you'd be left in the wind? The Bible says that Jesus laid aside his garments... To wash the disciples' feet.  He was willing to become transparent and let them see who He really was.  Jesus taught a powerful lesson,  He rose from supper and began to disrobe in front of men who were  still fully clothed.  Our problem is... We don't want to be seen as the only one with problems and needs.  But fear of being different can lock you in a prison of pretence. Jesus took a step few would dare to.  He laid aside His garments (image)  before those he'd laboured to inspire.  Real ministry, relationship and friendship starts the moment we stop trying to impress each other and say,  "This is who I really am". stop impressing oth

Deal with your 'Ishmael'

' Galatians  4:30 Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. Ishmael was born as a result of Abraham attempting to hurry up the plan or God and fulfil it through human effort. Are you doing that?,  we all have our 'Ishaemel'  a good idea that was not God's idea,  can complicate your life.  You say 'But didn't God love Ishmael too?'  yes,  and He blessed him.  But God said He would only fulfil His plan through Isaac.  When you run ahead of God,  or try to replace His will with your will,  not only do you suffer,  but the people you love suffer too.  He is saying,  it is time to deal with your past,  and clean out your cupboard,  Like Ishmael and Isaac,  sometimes your miracle and your mistake can grow together under the same roof. Things can be so bad in one area,  yet so good in another. Today,  God may be saying to you,  'Becau

Look forward to Better Days.

Psalms: 27.13   I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.(NIV) Whenever a player begins to score,  the opposing team assigns their best players to block him.  So the attack you are experiencing right now could be an indication of your value to God.  Apostle Paul wrote ' I've had to struggle with friends,  struggle with foes.  I have been at risk in the city   at risk in the country,  endangered by desert sun,  and sea storm,  and betrayed by those I thought were my brothers... .. I have known drudgery and hard labour,  many a long and lonely night without sleep,  many a missed meal,  blasted by the cold,  naked to the weather.  And that's not the half of it,  when you throw in the daily pressures and anxiety of all the  churches... '(2 Corinthians 11:26-28TM). How did Paul handle these experiences?,  by forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.  Now Paul didn't forget any

Real Contentment

Job  22:21 Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee. A wealthy businessman was upset to find a fisherman sitting beside his boat. Why aren't you out fishing?  He asked.  'Because I've caught enough for today',  replied the Fisherman.  Why don't you catch more fish than you need? The businessman asked.  What will I do with them replied the fisherman.  The business man said,  'You could earn more money,  buy bigger boat,  catch even bigger fish and make more money.  Soon you'd have a whole fleet of boats and be rich like me.  The fisherman said, ' then what would I do? ' the businessman replied, ' You could sit down and enjoy life.'  The fisherman said,  'what do you think I am  doing now?. Contentment comes from two things : great relationships and God-given purpose.  The first great relationship you must have is with God.  In the book of job we read,  'Acquaint yourself with Him,  a

The Cost of being God's Friend

James  2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. After losing everything he held dear,  job looked back and longed for the days when God's friendship graced his home,  his children were around and everything was going fine.  Maybe you can remember days like that in your own life,  we've been conditioned to think of friendship in terms of the benefits it confers,  but being God's friend comes with a price.  It costs time,  selflessness,  thoughtfulness,  absolute trust and very often suffering.  Those who are intimately close feel the hurts and joy of the ones they love more than anyone else.  True intimacy means a death to our own selfish desires.  Abraham was called God's friend but the friendship came at a price.  We read,  Abraham believed God,  when He was asked to leave his father's house to an unknown location, At age 93 he believed

Protect your Spirituality

Daniel  7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Satan uses two strategies,  first 'he will defy the most high',  Satan will always attack God's plan,  God's principles and God's people,  so be on guard. Secondly,  'he will oppress the... People of the most high',  weariness is a weapon Satan will use against you.  When you're worn out,  you're vulnerable.  At that point temptation can lead to compromise,  compromise to indulgence,  and indulgence to defeat.  Make no provision for the flesh,  don't give Satan an inch or he will take a mile.. Your mind is where the real attack takes place.  Satan will wear you down in order to wipe you out,  so you must take time to replenish your strength in God's presence. It's easy to get caught up in th

Your True Identity

Genesis  35:18 And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that she called his name Benoni: but his father called him Benjamin. When people label you,  those labels can cause you to shrink instead of to stretch to your full potential.  But God who gave Jacob a new identity can give you one too. Are you struggling with the old names people called you and the old images you have of yourself?  Nothing will change in your life until it first changes in your mind.  Jacob's wife Rachel died in the desert in childbirth.  Just before she died  she named her son Ben-Oni,  which means 'son of sorrow' When the midwife handed him to his father Jacob,  he said,  'He shall not  be called Ben-Oni,  the son of my sorrow,  he shall be called Benjamin, ' the son of the right hand' (son of power).  Guess which name prevailed?  Benjamin.  Hear this,  you are who God says you are,  not who others say you are,  if God didn't give you the name


Matthew  5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. In the tabernacle,  there was a large washbasin called the laver (Exodus 30:18).  It is bronze Base acted like a mirror letting the priest see the dirt on his feet.  Before he could approach God he had to stop and be cleansed,  otherwise he would die.  The psalmist writes,  ' who may stand in your Holy place ?  He who has clean hands and a pure here... He will receive blessing from the Lord' ... (psalm24:3-5). God's blessings are contingent upon  the condition of your heart. Does that mean you must be sinless?  No,  it means you must be conscious of your sin and deal with it right away. Why the big deal about purity?  Because Jesus said,  'Blessed are the pure in heart ; for they shall see God.'  . The problem is not God's inability to be seen,  but our inability to see Him,  No wonder David prayed,  ' create in me a pure hear'... (Psalm 51:10). The word pure is from the

Don't worry, you will have Enough.

Philippians  4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Are you afraid you won't have enough for your needs? Jesus gave us understanding through the story of  feeding the five thousands..  Observe three things about the disciples.. First,  they tried to escape the problem.  They told Jesus,  ' send them away, that they may go...  And buy themselves bread' ( Mark 6:36).  But He said no. Jesus understood that you grow by dealing with problems,  not avoiding them.  Your faith increases only as you place  a demand on it. Laziness and inactive faith will fail you in the hour of need., so you must feed on God's word and exercise your faith regularly.  Secondly.  The Disciples thought what they had wasn't enough.  'There is a lad here who has five barely loaves and two small fish,  but what are they among so many?' (John 6:9) God will ask you to look at what you've got becau

Get beyond Past

Job  11:16 Because thou shalt forget thy misery, and remember it as waters that pass away: Tarmar the daughter in-law of Judah suffered marital humiliations,  she  was accused of playing  a harlot,  but her future was greater than her past,  so she gave birth to a child who became a progenitor of our Lord Jesus.  What an honour. Are you wounded?  You can come through this painful experience and sing the song of the Overcomer.  By God's grace,  you can learn to live in the present and let go of the past,  By spending time in God's presence and allowing His love to touch the hurting places withing you.  Give all your secrets to God and leave them there,  He can take the misery out of the memory like you take the poison put of an insect bite: then your healing will begin. .. Job, who lost his health,  his wealth and his family, Iived to see these words fulfilled.  'You shall forget your misery : you shall remember it as waters that pass away.' Go ahead,  st

God says Wait

God says Wait Psalms  37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. What should you do when doors you thought God had opened Suddenly slam shut? You are thinking,  Lord,  I did the right things.  Why is this happening? Be at peace,  God is still directing your steps. When your hopes seem crushed and your plans have altered,  rely on His superior wisdom and unfailing love.  God has already planned your life from the beginning to end,  so trust Him to work things out for your good If you give it a little more time,  your pain will turn to praise as you realise that He just closed  a lesser door to open a greater one.   Timing is important,  as you begin to understand God's timing you will be better able to cooperate with Him Whenever you don't know,  learn to wait with Confidence one the one who does.  The problem most of us have is that we attempt to take the lead role in our relationship with God and it doesn't work. 

God still loves You

John  20:18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the LORD, and that he had spoken these things unto her. God can take the broken pieces of, the mistakes, the injustice, the shame, sins, of your life    and make something good out of it. A woman possessed with evil spirit in one time now becomes the bearer of the good news. no matter how broken your life may be,  God still loves you and can bring something good out of it. Just give Him the pieces of your broken life,  and let Him remold it. invite God into your life and see the new change in you. Today,  your life will not be difficult to remold in Jesus name. God bless you. 

A Time to Rest

Mark  6:31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. No one had a greater assignment than Jesus,  and no one was busier,  not even you,  but He knew the importance of relaxation.  He understood the balance between work and rest,  which is why He was able to accomplish  so much  in just a little time The more successful you are,  the greater the demands on your time and energy will be.  People are wonderful,  but they can be draining.  As your career and calling grow,  this will only become more so. Renewing yourself will require constant attention.  Work hard,  but play just as enthusiastically. Schedule yourself,  take one day off and totally relax.  Focus on something other than your job. If you do that,  your mind will be clearer,  you will make better decisions ,  you'll see life through different eyes,  and you'll accomplish  far more

Touching Jesus

Mark  5:28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. This was the story of a woman who had haemorrhage  for twelve years and spent even penny she had on doctors,  but to no avail. This condition made her suffer in different areas of life... .. Sexual, she couldn't touch her husband ... Maternally,  she couldn't have children ... Domestically, whatever she touched was consider unclean ... Spiritually,  she couldn't go to the temple. Physically exhausted,  socially ostracised,  and spiritually depleted,  she thought,  'if I can just touch Jesus,  I'll be made whole' Her miracle started when she thought about Jesus.  But first she had to get through the crowd that stood between her and Him.  The crowd has its arguments and reasons,  but not one of them is worth missing Jesus for. When this woman finally got to Him... ... She discovered that our faith gets Jesus' attention every  time.  Many people in t

Look at the Right Mirror

1 Peter 3:3-4  (NIV)   Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  4.Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. The world's best fashion designers are concerned with the total look  of the models they send down the catwalk. They must have the perfect accessory and the right hairstyle,  makeup etc.  And it's the same with God. He created you as a whole person with specific features,  personality traits,  and emotional strengths.  He designed you to be a vibrant,  thinking,  feeling and fully functioning human being with your own unique attractiveness, But He endowed you with more than just physical appearance. He gave you talents and spiritual gifts- inner qualities He wants you to develop and use for His purposes. .. What you are on the inside should determine how you

Don't let Rejection stop You

John  1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. Sometimes the word "No"  some means 'not now, but ask again'.  So don't let rejection stop you.   Only when you see failure as final,  then you are finally a failure. Take a look at you past experiences,  you may have encountered rejection in school or on the playground.  Not everybody like you,  but you made it anyway. Jesus experienced more rejection than anybody who ever lived.  He came unto His own,  and His own received Him not... Did He quit?...  No He went on to others,  to those who discern His value.  ' But to them that received Him,  to them gave He power to become sons of God. Someone needs what you have ; it is absolutely necessary to their success,  When you encounter rejection,  shake it off and move on.  Sooner or later you will succeed if you don't quit. Don't personalise it,  because someone rejects what you offer doesn't mean they're re