While men slept

Matthew  13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

Vulnerability comes when we are not spiritually vigilant.  "while men slept"  symbolises spiritual negligence, distraction, and the hidden dangers of complacency in the Christian life. It reminds us that while we may not always be aware, the enemy is actively working to destroy what God is building.

Jesus speaks of an enemy who sows tares among the wheat under the cover of darkness. This enemy is none other than Satan, whose mission is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). While we may not always see him, Satan is constantly at work, planting seeds of discord, temptation, and sin.

He works subtly, taking advantage of moments when we are not watchful. The enemy is not always loud and obvious; he often moves quietly, waiting for the moment when our guard is down.

We must understand that spiritual warfare is not something that takes place only in dramatic moments of temptation. It is ongoing. When we are spiritually asleep, distracted, complacent, or indifferent, the enemy is actually sowing seeds of destruction. We cannot afford to be spiritually unaware, for the enemy is always looking for opportunities to undermine the work of God in our lives.

The tares (weeds) that the enemy sowed represent anything that seeks to choke or hinder the good work God is doing in our lives. These tares can be bad habits, sinful thoughts, destructive relationships, or anything that takes us away from God's purpose.

When we are not vigilant, tares begin to grow alongside the wheat. At first, the tares may not seem harmful. They blend in, unnoticed, growing alongside the good in our lives. But over time, they compete for the same resources such as our time, energy, and focus. What began as small distractions or compromises can grow into something that ultimately destroy our spiritual growth.

The consequence of spiritual slumber is that we wake up to find our lives tangled with things that shouldn’t be there. We must regularly examine ourselves, uprooting the tares before they take hold. By being spiritually alert, we prevent these destructive seeds from growing in our lives.

The parable of the wheat and tares is a call to wake up. Throughout the Bible, we are warned against falling asleep spiritually. Jesus himself tells His disciples in Matthew 26:41, "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

To avoid spiritual slumber, we need to remain watchful in three key areas:

1. Prayer: Prayer is a key way we remain connected to God. It is not merely a ritual but a vital lifeline that keeps us spiritually alert. In prayer, we discern the enemy's attacks and find the strength to overcome temptation.
2. God’s Word: The Word of God is our sword in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:17). Regular study and meditation on Scripture equips us with wisdom and strength. It sharpens our ability to discern between wheat and tares in our lives.
3. Fellowship: We are not meant to fight the enemy alone. Being part of a faith fellowship helps us stay accountable and awake. Hebrews 10:25 reminds us not to neglect meeting together, but to encourage one another. When we surround ourselves with fellow believers, we are more likely to remain alert and engaged in our walk with Christ.

Nevertheless, Jesus makes it clear that the wheat and tares will be separated at the harvest. God will ultimately bring about justice and righteousness.

Through repentance and a renewed commitment to vigilance, we can root out the tares in our lives. God's grace is sufficient to restore us when we’ve allowed the enemy to sow destructive seeds. We serve a God who is able to redeem even what the enemy meant for harm.

In conclusion, let us not let our guard down. In our daily lives, distractions, complacency, and neglect can give the enemy room to work. But by staying vigilant in prayer, grounded in God’s Word, and connected to the body of Christ, we can prevent the enemy from sowing tares in our lives.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord,  grant us the grace to stay on guard and be vigilant in prayers and in word always in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help us to remain steadfast in faith irrespective of the circumstances that we find ourselves in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.