Enter His gate with Thanksgiving

Psalms  100:4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

The psalmist  calls us to consider the attitude with which we approach God, an attitude of thanksgiving and praise. It is not just a suggestion but an invitation to a way of life that honors the One who is worthy of all glory.

We are told to *"enter His gates with thanksgiving."* Gates represent an entrance, a point of access. But here’s the key,  "thanksgiving", it is not just a response to what God has done; it is the very means by which we enter into His presence. It is our ticket, our key to opening the door to communion with God.

Let us consider how many times we approach God with complaints, requests, and worries. While God desires to hear our needs, there is something transformative about first acknowledging His goodness. When we enter His gates with thanksgiving, we are making a declaration that regardless of what is going on around us, we choose to focus on His faithfulness.

Thanksgivingit is a posture of humility and trust. When we give thanks, we acknowledge that God is in control and that His plans are higher than ours. Gratitude reminds us that God has been faithful in the past and that He will be faithful in the future.

Furthermore, we are told to enter his court with praise, thanksgiving is the entryway, but praise is what keeps us in the courts of His presence. Praise is not dependent on our feelings or circumstances; it is a response to who God is.

When we praise God, we lift our eyes from our problems and fix them on His greatness. Praise acknowledges God’s sovereignty, His power, and His unchanging nature. Praise invites us to declare His attributes—His holiness, His justice, His mercy, and His love.

In praise, we go deeper into the courts of God’s presence. We move from simply thanking Him for what He has done to adoring Him for who He is. Praise brings us into a closer, more intimate relationship with God. It magnifies Him and diminishes the weight of our struggles.

This challenges us today to live lives marked by gratitude and praise, not just occasionally but as a daily practice. This is not just a Sunday activity or a worship service ritual; it is a lifestyle. Thanksgiving and praise should overflow from our hearts because of our awareness of God’s grace in our lives.

When we cultivate a heart of gratitude, it changes how we see the world around us. We begin to notice God’s hand in even the small things, and our faith grows as we see His consistent faithfulness.

In conclusion, thanksgiving opens the gates, and praise brings us into His courts. Let us not be people who come to God only with requests but let our hearts overflow with gratitude for all He has done and praise for who He is.

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, Teach us to live lives marked by gratitude and praise, regardless of our circumstances in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help us to focus on Your goodness and to trust in Your perfect will in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.