God giveth understanding

Job  32:8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.  32:9 Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment.

 True wisdom and understanding come from God. Though, we may have intellect, reasoning, and experience, there is something greater that informs our understanding, and that is the inspiration of the Almighty. 

Elihu begins by acknowledging that "there is a spirit in man." This spirit is the inner part of who we are—the seat of our thoughts, desires, and intellect. It’s where our understanding begins. We are unique in creation because God has placed within each of us a spirit, which allows us to think, reason, and make choices.

However, human understanding is limited. No matter how much we study or how wise we think we are, there is a boundary to our knowledge. The book of Proverbs reminds us that "leaning on our own understanding" can lead us astray (Proverbs 3:5). Why? Because we see in part, but God sees in full. We reason with limited knowledge, but God knows the end from the beginning.

The greatest human wisdom is insufficient when compared to the wisdom of God. We must remember that our understanding needs to be informed by something greater than ourselves.

Elihu declares, "the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." The word “inspiration” here refers to the breath of God, the divine influence that moves us beyond our own limited intellect. This is not just about gaining knowledge; it’s about receiving the kind of understanding that leads to life, peace, and righteousness.

Throughout Scripture, we see how God's inspiration gives wisdom to His people. When Solomon prayed for wisdom, it was God who granted it to him, making him the wisest man who ever lived. When Daniel needed insight to interpret the king's dreams, it was God who revealed the hidden things. When the disciples of Jesus struggled to comprehend His teachings, it was the Holy Spirit who guided them into all truth.

In the same way, God’s inspiration is available to each of us today. It is through His Spirit that we gain true understanding, not just about the world around us, but about His will, His purpose, and His love for us. We may read books, attend classes, and gather information, but it is only when the Spirit of God breathes upon us that we truly understand.

When God grants us understanding, it is not just for our own benefit. His wisdom empowers us to live righteous lives, to make decisions that honor Him, and to lead others toward His truth. It changes how we see the world, how we respond to challenges, and how we interact with one another.

Let us study the life  of Joseph, who, through God's inspiration, interpreted Pharaoh's dreams and provided a solution that saved Egypt from famine. Or think of Esther, whose understanding of the times and the divine purpose led her to take action and save her people. These examples show that when we receive understanding from God, it equips us to act according to His will, and the impact of that wisdom extends far beyond our personal lives.

James 1:5 tells us, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally." This is a promise that God’s wisdom is available to all who seek it. And when He grants it, it is perfect, it is complete, and it guides us through every situation.

In conclusion, God, in His infinite wisdom, gives us understanding through His Spirit. This divine wisdom is not something we can earn or acquire through our own effort, but it is a gift—freely given by the Almighty to those who seek it.

God bless you. 

Prayer key: 

1. Thank you Lord for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, I humble myself before you and I realise my wisdom is insufficient, release your breath of guidance into my life in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, grant me the understanding I need gif my daily decisions, in my relationships, and in my walk with you in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.