The glory that is about to be revealed

Romans 8:18  For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

Life sometimes can be overwhelming. We face trials, sufferings, and challenges that test our faith, patience, and strength. Yet, we are reminded that there is something greater awaiting us. We are made to understand that the trials we face now cannot be compared to the future glory that God will reveal. 

Apostle Paul recognises  the reality of suffering. He is not dismissing the hardships we endure; rather, he is placing them in perspective. The phrase "the sufferings of this present time" speaks of the idea that our struggles are bound by time, they are temporary. However, when we are in the midst of suffering, it often feels like it will never end.

Yet, Paul's encouragement is that what we endure now has an expiration date. Whether it be pain, grief, financial hardship, relational struggles, or persecution, these trials are not eternal. The challenges we face, as real and painful as they may be, are not the end of our story. 

our present sufferings are "not worth comparing" to the glory that is about to be revealed. This means that the weight of our current struggles cannot match the weight of glory that awaits us.

The glory that is to be revealed to us in this context of the scripture is the full revelation of God’s kingdom, His presence, and our participation in the restored creation. It is the completion of our salvation, the perfection of our bodies and souls, and the beauty of being in the presence of Christ for eternity.

The glory being spoken or of  is the fullness of God's purpose and plan for our lives. In the midst of pain, we often ask, "Why?" Yet the glory that is to come will be a revelation of God's perfect plan, one in which all our sufferings will be swallowed up by His grace and made new in the light of His glory.

This future glory gives us hope. It does not minimize our pain but instead gives us strength to endure. Hope is not wishful thinking; it is confident expectation in the promises of God. Because of this, our present suffering takes on a new dimension, it becomes bearable in light of what is coming.

When we focus on the glory that will be revealed, we can endure suffering with grace, patience, and hope. We are reminded that we are not alone; God is with us in the present and He has prepared something glorious for our future. Our story is not defined by our pain, but by the ultimate redemption and restoration that God has promised.

This message is for us today. Whatever suffering you may be facing, I urge you to hold on to the promise of God’s glory. Do not lose heart, for God is at work in your life, even in the midst of your pain. Your suffering will not have the final word, God’s glory will. And when it is revealed, it will be more magnificent than anything you could ever imagine.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, grant me the grace to see the glory that will be revealed in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help me to be faithful, even in the times of trials and difficulties in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.