Scripture is needed to guild us

2 Timothy  3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

 The Word of God, the Holy Scripture, is more than just a collection of ancient texts; it is the living, breathing revelation of God Himself. It is the compass by which we navigate life, the light by which we see clearly, and the foundation on which we stand firm. 

In 2 Timothy 3:16, we are  reminded us that all Scripture is "God-breathed." This signifies that the words of the Bible are not mere human invention but are inspired by God Himself. When we read the Bible, we are hearing the very voice of God. It is His wisdom, His guidance, His instruction, and His heart made available to us.

God, in His infinite mercy and love, chose to communicate with us through His Word. He didn’t leave us to wander through life without direction. He gave us the Scriptures so that we would know Him, His will, and how to live in a way that honors Him. Therefore, Scripture is not just helpful, it is essential. It is necessary for our spiritual survival, growth, and direction.

it is Scripture that teaches us eternal truths. It is in the Bible that we learn who God is, what He has done, and what He requires of us. The Bible teaches us the story of salvation, the nature of grace, the power of love, and the call to holiness.

When we are confused, Scripture brings clarity. When we are uncertain, Scripture provides direction. When we are seeking to know God's will, we turn to His Word, which teaches us the paths of righteousness. Jesus Himself relied on Scripture for teaching, and He pointed others to the Word of God when instructing them in the ways of the kingdom.

The Scripture is also useful for "rebuking and correcting." This is where the Word of God not only teaches us the right path but also helps us see when we have strayed from it. It confronts us when we are wrong, rebukes our sin, and convicts us of our need for repentance. It corrects our misunderstandings, our missteps, and our misalignment with God’s will.

Sometimes we don’t like to be corrected. But just as a loving parent corrects their child for their good, so God lovingly corrects us through His Word. This correction is not meant to harm us but to restore us to the right path. When we allow Scripture to correct us, we are choosing the way of life, peace, and righteousness.

Finally, the  Scripture trains us in righteousness. The Christian life is not just about avoiding sin; it is about growing in godliness. It is about becoming more like Christ. This transformation happens as we allow the Word of God to shape our hearts and minds. The Bible trains us, disciplines us, and molds us into the people God has called us to be.

We need this training because righteousness does not come naturally to us. We are prone to wander, prone to selfishness, and prone to seek our own way. But Scripture trains us in a new way—the way of the Spirit. It trains us to love as God loves, to forgive as Christ forgave, and to serve as Jesus served.

In conclusion, the Scripture is not optional in the Christian life. It is essential. It is God’s Word given to guide us, correct us, teach us, and train us. Without it, we are like travelers lost in the wilderness without a map. But with it, we have the surest guide, the most faithful teacher, and the most loving Father leading us every step of the way.

So let us cherish the Scriptures. Let us meditate on them day and night. Let us turn to them for guidance, wisdom, and correction. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, teach me your word, so I may understand in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Grant me the grace lord, to meditate in your word daily and to harken to your directions therein in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.