Walking uprightly

Proverbs  28:18 Whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved: but he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once.

Walking uprightly is synonymous with leading a blameless life. It means striving to live with integrity, honesty, and moral uprightness. It is a journey of continuous self-improvement and righteousness in our actions and intentions.

Proverbs 28:18 makes a stark contrast between walking uprightly and being perverse in one's ways. Perversity is characterized by deceit, dishonesty, and a willingness to compromise on principles for personal gain. Walking uprightly, on the other hand, entails steadfast adherence to what is right.

There is then a promise to those who walk uprightly: "Whoever walks blamelessly will be saved." This salvation is not just a promise of eternal life, but a life full of blessings and peace here on Earth. When we walk uprightly, we are saved from the pitfalls and suffering that come from a life of moral compromise.

On the other hand, those who choose a path of perversity "will suddenly fall." The consequences of such a life are not only spiritual but also tangible in the form of broken relationships, ruined reputations, and a troubled conscience. Perversity may seem advantageous in the short term, but it ultimately leads to a fall from grace.

Practical Steps to Walk Uprightly
A. Seek God's Guidance
We cannot walk uprightly without divine guidance. Regular prayer, studying God's Word, and seeking His counsel are essential to navigate life's challenges with integrity.

B. Embrace Honesty and Transparency
Living an upright life means being honest and transparent in our dealings with others. It involves confessing our faults and seeking reconciliation when we fall short.

C. Uphold Moral Values
Upholding moral values in our personal and professional lives is crucial. This includes honesty, compassion, justice, and love for our neighbors.

D. Make Amends
When we stumble and falter in our journey to walk uprightly, it's important to make amends. Apologize, seek forgiveness, and commit to doing better.

In conclusion, the path of walking uprightly is a noble and rewarding one. We must embrace a life of integrity, honesty, and moral uprightness, seeking God's guidance as we walk this path. In doing so, we will experience the abundant blessings of a life lived in accordance with God's wisdom. Amen.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing from your word today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, forgive me for walking perversely in my life in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, grant me the grace to walk uprightly in all my ways in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.