Be Accountable

 1 Corinthians  4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.  4:2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

A steward generally had to manage the affairs of his master. Usually he was not a slave. He was entrusted with something, often much. Given charge of his master's affairs and business, he often faced the temp­tation to keep things for himself. He was always ac­countable to his master and at times had to give reports of his work and business.

The disciples were stewards of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul says here that he was a steward of the mysteries of God. He had to take scrupulous care of that which was entrusted to him, and give it to others faithfully. This was his instruction from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christians are also stewards, "managers" of the Lord, of what He has given us. And that is, first of all, the great gifts of salvation, as well as many spiritual and material gifts. Of these, we are to be stewards for the Lord.

A good steward is one who realizes first of all that all he has is of and from the Lord. He has nothing of his own (Psalm 24). The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. Our very life is of the Lord.

As stewards, all the things we ever have were "loaned" to us. This means that they all are also for the Lord, not for ourselves. A good steward in Bible times wouldn't think of taking for himself what belonged to his master.

All of our earthly possessions, money, time, and talents are for the Lord. With them we must serve the Lord, in gratitude for the great salvation given us. That's what the Scripture means when it says that we are the Lord's. He is our Lord and Master.

Paul says to Timothy in another place that the Lord has richly given us all things to enjoy. While we may enjoy the good gifts given us, and have a "good" liv­ing, we must do this responsibly, serving the Lord with what we have and enjoy.

This verse of 1 Corinthians 4 says that stewards must be faithful, trustworthy and reliable. No boss would con­sider "hiring" a man who he knew would not be honest and reliable.

God wants us to be faithful, dependable and always return to Him as He has given to us.

This has to begin in our hearts, thankful to Him and loving Him.

God has given us Himself in the gift of Jesus Christ. And as Christians He has also given us material abun­dance. Have there ever been Christians to whom He has given more than to us? And we are stewards. We must serve Him with it all.

We must do this daily, thanking Him for all His gifts. This implies that we may not murmur or complain, as the Israelites did in the wilderness.

What kind of stewards are we in proportion to what the Lord has given us? Remember you will give account one day. Your stewardship must reflect the nature of God in integrity, fairness, truth and faithfulness.

In conclusion,  we are called to live a life of accountability as servants of Christ. We must recognize the trust that God has placed in us by revealing His mysteries to us. This trust demands our faithfulness. Let us strive to be faithful in our service to God and to one another, for it is through our accountability that we can shine the light of Christ in this world.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, grant me the grace to be accountable in all you have given me in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help me to be faithful till the end in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen