Fruit of the spirit

Galatians  5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,  5:23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.  5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

This fruit of the Spirit is an attribute of action. It means living one's life with good morals and motives as well as doing good things for others. Producing the fruit of goodness is a true mark of godliness. It is the evidence of our total submission to God through Christ and being endowed with the Holy Spirit 

Those who have turned from depending on themselves have turned to depend on the direction of God. Thus, the fruit of the Spirit is brought forth in the lives of those who seek direction from God for moral attitudes and behaviour. Paul's list of the fruit of the Spirit is the true manifestation of those whose lives are motivated by thanksgiving.  

The fruit of the spirit is the result of one's recognition of God's grace in his or her life. it is the result of recognizing God's mercy and therefore, presenting oneself a living sacrifice. 

Love is the foundation upon which all the qualities of the fruit are built. if one loves his neighbor as himself, he will bring forth in his life these characteristics of godly behaviour. One leads to another. First is  love, the result of love is joy, then peace with our neighbor, then longsuffering.

Love: God reached out to humanity with agape (love), that is, His grace was unconditional (Rom 5:8). We did not earn it, when one recognizes this degree of love; he will then become the foundation upon which we establish relationships with others.

Joy:  Love produces joy, for in giving unconditional love to others , the result is joy in one's own heart

Peace:  the natural result of joy is peace in one's heart and also peace with others. Recognizing salvation by grace brings an end to the inner anxiety one has when he is not quite sure of his salvation.

Patience: The natural result of peace with God because of His mercy and grace is our own longsuffering and mercy toward others. This is the capacity to patiently endure with the faults of others. 

Kindness: this is the inner gentle nature of the individual that is produced as a result of dependence on the grace of God. When one loves his neighbor he will seek to be kind in attitude toward his neighbor in order to guard the peace that exists between himself and his neighbor. Kindness then leads to doing good to our neighbor.

Goodness: The outward expression of inner kindness is doing good toward others.

Faithfulness: Since God was faithful in saving us but grace, recognition of such will produce faithfulness toward our fellow man. we become committed to our neighbor because we have developed a relationship that is based on love of one another.

Gentleness:  The spiritual nature of the saved is characterized by a meek attitude toward others. The meek are courteous and considerate of their neighbors.

Self-Control:  Gentleness refers to one's ability to control outburst of emotion in order to guard the relationship of peace that we have with our neighbor. The gentle person is in control of his being.

As a believer, it must be a sign of true belonging to Christ for all this fruits to be in us, not just one of two, they are all connected with eachother begining with love. 

If any is missing us, then our salvation is questionable and the affirmation of having Holy Spirit us is false 

As your grow in grace, so also must the fruit of the spirit must show in you among fellow men. 

Let the fruit of the Holy spirit be evidence in you, by this, we live in harmony with anyone around us. God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, let the fruit of the holy spirit be evidence in my life in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help me to stay connected with you all the days of my life in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers, for in Jesus Christ name have we prayed. Amen..