Your core Gift.

Romans  12:6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

You may have different gifts,  but you must discover your core Gift and build your life around it. 

David recognise himself to be more than a Shepherd,  he was a king-in-the-making.

Killing Goliath only gave him a chance to demonstrate it.  Had he failed,  he would have gone back to tending sheep.

What blinds us to our core Gift?

>>>  focusing on our flaws. 
Instead of focusing on  our strength we listen to our critics and rehearse the qualities that discourage us most.

>>>Envying the gift of others...

It is good to  appreciate others as long as you don't try to duplicate them.  Instead of living in somebody's shadows,  stand on their shoulders and glean from their wisdom.

Be an Elisha,  ask God for twice as much as your mentor.. Uncommon people are just common people who recognise their core Gift and put it to work.

We have different gifts according to the grace of God given to us.

If your gift is prophesying,  use it in the proportion of your faith in  Christ.

If your gift is Serving,  serve according to the mercy of God. 

If it is Teaching,  teaching with the wisdom of God

If it is Encouraging,  encourage without pride

If it is contributing to the needs of others,  give generously without grumble

If it is Leadership ,  govern diligently, 

If it is showing mercy,  do it cheerfully. 

What is your core Gift?..

Discover it,  develop it,  and then dedicate it to God's highest service. 

God bless you.