In Church... But lonely

Psalms  142:4 I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.

People come  to church looking for light and warmth,  they want to know if we care...

Good preaching and music may bring them in,  but relationship that nature will keep them coming back.

You can feel lonely in a crowd

People come to church with the wounds of the past,   the struggle of their present,  and the unspoken anxieties of their future, 

What they want to know is,  will you love them as they are,  even if they don't fit your mould and change quickly as you would like to. 

Most times our rigid structure of service keeps them from experiencing this friendship relationship from both church members and the ministers in charge.

If the pastor's greatest concern on Monday is "how many people came to church yesterday"  then the Pastor need to check his heart. 

This is a time where ministers are only concern with the money people bring to  church but not interested in their secret pain...

They are in the  church where they should experience a shoulder to rest on,  but they are lonely,  and many die in silence. 

Let us show love,  friendship,  and care in our churches lest we loose souls out of depression.

God bless you.