Spiritual distance

Exodus  20:21 And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was.

Moses alone knew what God's presence felt like,  and what His voice sounded like..

But the people of Israel were happy to leave it that way,  they told moses... "you tell us what God says... but don't let God speak to us directly.

What could could have triggered their actions?  Probably they were afraid of what God would say which they didn't want to hear...

When you haven't carried out God's last set of instructions,  it's hard to get excited about His next set.

We can't claim to know God and yet finds it difficult to obey His instructions...

Those who claimed they live in God should live as Jesus did.

So are you contented to be an onlooker,  watching God move in the lives of others instead of accepting the discipline required to have a personal relationships with Him yourself?

Many wants the gift and favour of God,  but not willing to accept the commitment that comes with them...

God doesn't want you to infatuate with the Bible,  or the church,  or His blessings,  He want you to fall in love with Him...

He's not looking for a date,  He's looking for a bride.

He wants someone who will stick with Him when the going gets tough. 

Are you ready to get engaged with this supernatural God?

The time is now. 

God bless you.