Remember Lot's wife

Luke  17:32 Remember Lot's wife.

Let's wife was part of the rescued single family from Sodom and Gomarah

Though she could not make it to Safety, she looked back and became salt. 

But why did Jesus tell us to remember her?

Jesus want us to remember her for the reason that she invested her life in something that had no future

God tried to get Lot's wife out of Sodom,  but she couldn't get Sodom out of her. 

When  she thought of what she was leaving,  Sue looked back and turned into a lifeless monument. 

When God says it's time to move,  do not hesitate,  do not become like those who walked with Him,  fire branded and power loaded, but latter turned cold and unresponsive. 

Your decision have consequences

If Lot's wife had kept moving forward,  she would have been  there to protect her daughters when they got to the cave,  instead they became children of abuse and victim of incest. 

Remember Lot's wife and learn,  she did not make it to safety,   but  she did make it into scripture long enough to warn us about three things...

... Complacency,  involvement with wring things   and a divided heart.

If you fail to heed to the  instructions of God,  you will become instruction to guide  others. 

Learn from Lot's wife, and make a life.

God bless you.