Time and Season (wisdom )

Ecclesiastes  3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Every man's life is characterize by time and season.

time when you  are born
time u will die
time to plant
time to harvest.

It was a time when man falls into sin.
it was a time Jesus was sent to die for mankind.

It is time and season for you to repent of your sins and accept Jesus into your life.

whenever each time expires, there is no hope again, even grace can do but nothing.

A time will come,  when the blood  of Jesus will no longer be able to redeem you ...  that is when you die. -- No repentance in the grave.

    The time is now.

You don't know when you will die,    But...  WHAT WILL BE YOUR END.

think about it.

God bless you