Delight in God's word

Psalms  119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

God's word is our unfailing guide,  our means of inner cleansing,  and the perfect time relation of God's will for our life. 

Through His word we have all round good success

Through the word we defeat Satan and his works

Through the word of God we have the insight of God's will and purpose for our life

The word inspired and strengthens our weaknesses

The word of God is the light to walk through the darkness of this world.

There is no limit to the understanding of God's word

Even the professors of this world are yet to understand the mystery behind it. 

The more you delight in the word of God,  the more you grow and triumph in this world. 

Always delight in God's word, 

That's the weapon to fight the battle of life. 

God bless you.