Prove it

Matthew  7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Chris Haddon Spurgeon once said that,  "Satan can make people to dance at the brink of Hell as though they were at the verge of Jordan".

The reality in our environment today shows a clear contrast to what the grace of God can do.

It is a fact that many who confess to be Christians are indeed at the brink of hell.

Not everyone who carries the Bible,  goes to church regularly,  wears crucifix,  works in a section of a fellowship etc,  and perhaps "speak in tongue have all qualification to be a or called a genuine Christian.

A  Christian is one who has been Redeemed by the blood of Jesus and who consistently live for the Lord by walking in His commandment with grace from heaven to live  life of victory over sin, self and society  (Titus 2:11-13)

Jesus affirms that a good tree will bring forth good fruits.  Genuine  Christian must bring forth the following.

1. Fruits meet for repentance. (Mathew 3:8)

2. Fruits of righteousness (philippians 1:11)

3. Fruit unto holiness (Romans 6:22)

4. Fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)

5.  fruit of soul wining

It is necessary  to know the danger of living hypocritical life.

In proverbs 30:12 the Scripture tells us about ,,, "generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from its filthiness".

Such sinners who continue in hypocrisy will continue to live in gilt,  condemnation,  operation  from evil forces and will eventually be lost throughout eternity in Hell if they refuse to Repent.  (job27:8) beware

To posses the penitence of salvation which will enable one to be able to live a genuine  Christian life,  certain steps must be taken.

1. Acknowledge you are a sinner and that you need a saviour (Romans 3:23)

2. Believe Jesus died for you and trust Him as your saviour (Romans 10:9,10)

3. Confess your sins and choose to follow the saviour (Mathew 11:28-30)

Living the real Christian life will enable one to live a victorious life,  over sin,  sickness and Satan and finally,  it enables one to be sure of living with Christ in eternity.

As it is popularly said that  "If you have  got it flaunt it" .  Are you a Christian?  Then,  prove it by the life you live.  

God bless you.