The lord test and refined us.

Proverbs  17:3 The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts.

many are times, we face problems in many ways, not that GOD is wicked but testing and refining us for a glorious work and task ahead.

David was tested in the field,  before he could stand before Golahat.

Joseph was tested by governing a house before given a country to rule.

IN  every situation,  conditions and level of life, GOD always test our ability and standard before refining us for the glorious task ahead.

Have you been tested?
Are you being tested?
When will you be tested?

Have you failed the test of God?
Are you failing the test of God?
Will you fail the test of GOD.?

Nothing student ever get promoted to another class without taking a set of examination.

Before you can assume the rightful position GOD wants you to be, you must be Tested,  and Refined. 

If you have failed the test, I pray may the grace of GOD plead on your behalf for a second chance in Jesus name.

If you are failing the test of GOD, I pray may the spirit of GOD most high give you the strength to stand and make it in Jesus name.

If any person says you will fail, Since GOD never fail, you will never fail in Jesus name.

GOD bless u