6 feet bellow, if you are privileged.

No matter number of years you lived on earth, it's just 6feet bellow if privileged

No matter the numbers  of cars you acquire , its just but 6 feet below if you are privileged

No matter the number of mansions you acquire , it's just but 6feet below, if you are privileged

No matter how hard you try to acquire wealth . it's just but 6 feet below if you are privileged .

No matter how hard you try to acquire power, position and fame , it's just but 6 feet below if you are privileged


Mark  8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

 8:37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

If you die without accepting Christ, where do you think you will open your eyes to, when death shall closes your eyes.

Accept Jesus today . its your hope of life after death.

May you not regret of coming to this world