Accept your limits

Deuteronomy  2:3 Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward.

Do you live overloaded and overwhelmed?,  like a driver who's lost his way?

 Instead of stopping to ask for direction you increase your speed until you run out of fuel and end up on the side of the road. 

Many  are times we fail to realise that the problem we are facing now is as a result of journey in the wrong direction of  God.

Some will even quote (Philippians  4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.) but fail to know that we can not do everything we want to do,  or everything people want us to do....  But He only give us the grace  to do what He wants us to do.

Going against God's will is like circling round a mountain,  such life can never progress. 

If you truly want your life to manifest the true glory of God,  you need to accept your limit. 

Accept that your desire is wrong and God's will is right. 

Only then can your life move from the stage of stagnancy to motion.

Accept your limits and enjoy God's blessings. 

God bless you.