The secret of the Lord

Psalms  25:14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.

Whenever we hear the word secret, we subtly lean to hear about it. Secrets speak of intimacy, of knowledge, and of deep trust between individuals. The message from the above scripture speaks of the  creator of the universe sharing  His secrets with those who reverence Him. 

The "secret" of the Lord refers to more than hidden knowledge; it speaks of a close, intimate relationship with God. The Hebrew word translated as "secret" can also be understood as counsel or intimacy, suggesting that God shares His heart with those who fear Him. This secret is not just information but a revelation of God's character, His plans, and His purposes for us.

To understand God’s secret, we must recognize that it is not accessible to everyone. This isn't a secret in the sense of keeping something good hidden from others; rather, it’s about proximity.

 Imagine a king sharing his innermost thoughts, not with his subjects, but with his closest friends and advisors. God reserves His counsel for those who draw near to Him, who seek His presence, and who desire to know Him more.

What is this secret? It is the understanding of His covenant, the eternal promises of God that are woven throughout scripture. 

It is the assurance of His love, the certainty of His faithfulness, and the knowledge of His plans for our salvation and sanctification. God does not want us to walk in darkness, unsure of His will or His ways. He invites us into the light, into the place of trust where He discloses His heart to us.

But Psalms 25:14 makes it clear that there is a condition for receiving the secret of the Lord: it is with "those that fear Him" . This fear is not about being terrified of God, but about having a deep reverence and awe for Him. It is the recognition of His holiness, power, and majesty, and it produces a life of obedience and humility.

The fear of the Lord positions us to hear from Him. It causes us to approach God with the right heart, acknowledging that He is God and we are not.

 It involves surrendering our will to His and trusting that His ways are higher than ours. When we live in this reverent fear, we are drawn closer to God, and in that closeness, He begins to reveal His secrets to us.

When we are given the secret of the Lord, it becomes a source of strength, peace, and direction. The covenant that God reveals to us is filled with His promises, such as the promise of His presence, the promise of His provision, and the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ. When we understand God’s covenant, we are not easily shaken by the challenges of life because we are anchored in His eternal truth.

One of the greatest blessings of knowing the secret of the Lord is the assurance that we belong to Him. We are not left to navigate this life on our own.

 God walks with us, speaks to us, and guides us by His Spirit. He makes known to us the paths we should take and gives us wisdom for every situation. This intimate relationship with God transforms our lives, making us more like Christ as we learn His ways and live according to His truth.

Finally, the secret of the Lord empowers us to live with purpose. When God reveals His covenant to us, we begin to see our lives in light of His eternal kingdom. We understand that we are called to live not for ourselves, but for Him. This gives us clarity and direction as we seek to serve Him and make His name known in the world.

In conclusion, the secret of the Lord is a treasure beyond measure, reserved for those who fear Him. It is the deep, intimate knowledge of His covenant, His promises, His guidance, and His eternal purposes. God desires to share His heart with us, but the key to accessing His secrets lies in living with a holy reverence for Him. When we walk in the fear of the Lord, He draws us close and reveals His truth, bringing us peace, purpose, and the assurance of His presence.

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, help us to commit ourselves to walk in the fear of the Lord in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, grant us the grace to live I the light of your covenant and anchored in your promises in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.