Brotherly Love

Romans  12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

The first part of the verse calls us to be "devoted to one another in love."  Apostle Paul is telling us that the love we share in the body of Christ is not just a surface-level affection but the one that is rooted in deep devotion.

This love is not the type of love that says, "I'll love you as long as you love me." No, this is a love that is active, persistent, and unconditional. It’s a love that reaches out to those who are difficult to love, a love that continues even when we are hurt or disappointed.

In a world that often teaches us to look out for ourselves and prioritize our own desires, brotherly love calls us to something radically different. It calls us to put others first and to care for them as if they were part of our own family.  

When we talk about what brotherly love looks like, we need only to look at the example of Jesus Christ. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus modeled what it means to love others deeply and sacrificially. He washed the feet of His disciples, including the one who would betray Him. He dined with sinners, reached out to the marginalized, and laid down His life for those who did not deserve it.

The love that Christ showed was not limited to those who were close to Him or who loved Him in return. It was a love that crossed barriers, broke down walls, and extended to all people, regardless of their background, status, or failures.

If we are to be His followers, we are called to love in the same way. We are called to love not just those who are easy to love but those who challenge us, those who may have wronged us, and those who are different from us.

Out of our heart of love, we will be able to honor one another. Honoring one another is not about diminishing our worth but about recognizing the value of each person made in the image of God. It means we affirm the gifts, talents, and dignity of others, and we serve them out of love.

When the church lives out brotherly love, it becomes a powerful witness to the world. Jesus said in John 13:35, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” The church is called to be a living testimony of God’s love in a world that is often filled with division, hatred, and selfishness.

Brotherly love fosters unity within the body of Christ. When we are devoted to one another, we create an environment where people feel safe, valued, and supported. It helps us to bear one another's burdens, as Paul instructs in Galatians 6:2, and it leads to a deeper sense of community and belonging.

Imagine a church where people genuinely put each other first, where every member is committed to serving, encouraging, and uplifting one another. That kind of church is irresistible. It is a place where God's presence is tangibly felt, and where lives are transformed by the power of love.

Practical Ways we can exhibit Brotherly Love
1. Encourage One Another:  Look for ways to speak life into the people around you. Words of encouragement and affirmation can go a long way in lifting someone’s spirit and helping them feel valued.

2. Serve One Another:  Look for opportunities to serve your brothers and sisters in Christ. Whether it’s offering a helping hand, cooking a meal, or simply being there to listen, service is a powerful expression of love.

3. Forgive and Show Grace: Love requires forgiveness. We all fall short, and we all need grace. When someone wrongs you, choose to forgive, remembering the grace that Christ has shown you.

4. Pray for One Another:  Prayer is one of the most powerful acts of love we can offer. Make it a habit to pray for your church family regularly, lifting them up before the throne of God.

In conclusion, when love becomes lost in the body of Christ, the wall of its defence becomes broken and the devil have a means to penetrate. When we love, we create a great bond that the world or thr gate of hell can never be broken. Let us love one another, anytime, any day irrespective of class, status, background or colour. 

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, Help us to love one another deeply and to honor each other above ourselves. 

3. Lord, fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may live out brotherly love in our church, our families, and our communities. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.