Total trust in God

Proverbs  28:26 He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.

To trust means to rely on another person because you feel safe with them and have confidence that they will never  hurt, disappoint, betray or violate you.  

To trust in the Lord means more than believing in who he is and what he says; the word here for trust can also mean “to have confidence in.” Having confidence in something means having an assurance that leads to action. Trust in the Lord is a faith that lets us boldly serve.

Total trust in God requires surrendering our own understanding and leaning not on our own understanding, but trusting in the wisdom and guidance of the Almighty. It means acknowledging our limitations and recognizing that our plans may falter, but God's plans are perfect.

When we trust in ourselves, we are prone to anxiety, fear, and doubt. We become like ships tossed in a stormy sea, lacking direction and stability. However, when we place our total trust in God, we anchor our souls in His unchanging love and sovereignty. We find peace that surpasses all understanding, knowing that God is in control.

Total trust in God is not passive; it is an active surrender of our will to His. It is a daily decision to seek His will in all aspects of our lives – our relationships, our finances, our careers, and our dreams. As we surrender each area to God, we experience His provision and faithfulness in ways we could never imagine.

Moreover, total trust in God empowers us to persevere in the face of adversity. When trials come, we do not despair, for we know that God is with us, working all things together for our good. Our faith is not shaken by the storms of life, for we are firmly rooted in the Rock of Ages.

In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, total trust in God sets us apart as beacons of hope and light. It is a testimony to the world that our confidence is not in our own abilities or resources, but in the God who holds the universe in His hands.

As we strive to cultivate total trust in God, let us heed the words of Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." May we walk in wisdom, trusting fully in the One who is faithful and true.

God bless you. 
Happy Easter Celebration 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, help me to trust in you with all my hearts, leaning not on my own understanding in Jesus Christ name 

3. Lord, guide me in the paths of wisdom,  that I may experience the peace and prosperity that come from total trust in you, in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.