Don't give up

Micah  7:7 Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.

In life, we sometimes face trials, tribulations, and setbacks that threaten to overwhelm us. There are moments when the challenges seem insurmountable, and the journey ahead appears daunting.

 It is during these times that we may be tempted to give up, to throw in the towel and surrender to despair. Yet, it is precisely in these moments that we must cling steadfastly to hope and trust in the Lord.

The prophet Micah faced his own share of difficulties and uncertainties. In the midst of turmoil and chaos, he found solace in his faith and his unwavering trust in God's promises. 

Like Micah, we too can find strength in knowing that God is always with us, guiding us through the darkest of times and leading us towards the light.

Perseverance is not just about enduring hardships; it is about facing them head-on with courage and determination. It is about refusing to be defined by our circumstances and instead, allowing our faith to shape our response to adversity. 

When we choose to persevere, we demonstrate our unwavering trust in God's plan for us, knowing that He will never abandon us, even in our darkest hour.

But perseverance does not mean that we got it alone. It is essential to surround ourselves with a community of believers who can uplift and support us along the way. Together, we can draw strength from one another and find encouragement in our shared journey of faith.

Let us not be discouraged by the challenges that lie ahead, for God is faithful, and He will see us through. Let us watch in hope, wait for our Saviour, and trust that our prayers will be heard. For in the end, it is not the obstacles we face that define us but rather, our response to them.

May we be like the prophet Micah, unwavering in our faith, steadfast in our resolve, and unyielding in our pursuit of God's will. And may we always remember that no matter how difficult the journey may be, we never walk alone.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, grant me the grace to wait for your salvation and deliverance in my life in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help those who are weak in the spirit, grant them the strength they need in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.