The full armour of God

Ephesians  6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 

It is no doubt that we believers are at war, not the conventional war that we hear around us, but a very different war. Contrary to the belief of many that once you give your life to Christ you will enjoy everlasting peace without war.. But the truth is, it is not, truly  we will enjoy peace in God only if we follow his instructions given to us to overcome our enemy. 

You can't outrun this enemy, you can’t outsmart him with your carnal knowledge or physical weapon. The only way to deal with this enemy is to stand and fight him with a supernatural weapon. 

With the whole armour of God, we have been  equipped with everything we need to battle Satan. God has given us the armour, but it’s up to us to put it on. Satan is the strongest enemy a Christian will ever face, Even as strong as he is, he can be defeated.

 But, in order to defeat him you need all of your armour. Every piece is important, if you leave out just one piece you create a weak spot, where you are vulnerable to his attacks. There are six pieces to your armour, and you need all six pieces.

1. The belt of Truth 

The Truth is a knowledge of the truth of God’s word. It is the belt that held together all other armour..Believers should first put the truth of God in their hearts by believing and living in the truth, your believe in God will held together all other amorous that you may put on. Once a person stop believing in the truth of God's existence, all other amour becomes useless. 

2. The Breastplate of Righteousness - 

The breastplate protected the soldiers vital organs, including the heart from injury. the breastplate represents holy character and moral conduct. Obedience to the “truth” produces a Godly life. We protect our heart by obedience to the truth of God’s word. It’s no accident that the pieces of armour were listed in the order they are. Each piece relies on the other piece before it can work.

3. Your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace 
This  means an eagerness that comes from the Gospel of Peace.

A  soldier put on his shoes in order to be able to advance against the enemy, without shoes he can't  get traction and he would keep slipping and falling down. Without our spiritual shoes we can’t keep our traction, and we will keep falling down. But with our shoes on and laced up we can take the fight to the Devil instead of letting him knock us down.

4. The Shield of Faith 

 The shield of faith means a faith in what God has promised us. If we keep believing what God’s word says we can withstand all the attacks of Satan. How does Satan attack? He causes us to doubt God’s promises. But with a shield made of our faith in God’s promises we can weather his attacks.

And this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith. As the shield protects the soldier's body against the attacks of the enemy, so the faith of the Christians functions as a shield to ward off the attacks of doubt, discouragement and despair. 

By increasing faith through the study of the word of God, the Christians is able to stand against the deceptions of Satan. Any temptation that Satan may throw against believers can be stopped by the  truth that is learned through a study of God's word. 

5. The  helmet of Salvation 

 This is not talking about getting saved or staying saved - Paul wrote this to his Christian brothers ( Ephesians 2:8)

It is the helmet that protects the head which is the center of reference of the body. Because of the  helmet, the soldier can confidently keep his head high in order to engage the enemy in battle. 

Believers can do such because of the assurance of their salvation that is based, not in their works, but in the grace  of  God through the cross. Meanwhile the death of Christ on the cross which brings salvation is our helmet through which the whole body function. 

1 Thessalonians 5:8 describes this helmet as the hope of salvation or the certainty of salvation. If you are not sure of your salvation, then you are a sitting duck for the Devil. If Satan can make you doubt your salvation, he has gotten you.

6. The sword of the Spirit 

 The sword is the Word of God, your weapon against Satan. But in order to use your weapon, you have to practice with it. A soldier never goes into battle with a weapon he is not familiar with.  A Christian that has no knowledge of the word but only carries the word in hand and in head will only be defeated by the devil.. The word must stays in the heart and be used appropriately.

Do you have these full armour today?, if you fail to put all on, there is a tendency satan will penetrate through the open channel. Your victory is only sure with all of your body and strength intact of you put on the whole armour of God. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, by your grace, prepare with the whole of your armour in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, in any way there is a loophole in my life, Lord, fill it up in Jesus Christ name 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.