Those that labour in tears

Psalms  126:5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.  126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

The time of sowing is a time of labor and toil, but the time of harvest is a time of joy when one receives the reward of his patient labour.

When psalm above was written, the Israelites were totally surrounded by their enemy. They were "shut up", there was no way out whatsoever. There was no way for any kind of life sustaining supplies to be brought in. There was also a famine in the land and people were dying every day from starvation. There was no hope for tomorrow being any better, only worse.

All looked hopeless and filled with despair. In any direction they turned all they could see was opposition. The enemy had not yet attacked them, yet his presence was continually camped about them, causing the Israelites to daily be reminded of their evil plans.

However these people do have one thing. They have a hand full of seeds. The psalmist describes the seed in their hands as "PRECIOUS" seed. This was all the seed they had, Every seed they would plant would represent their lives and their hopes for the future. It represented the meals for their little children, It represented LIFE or DEATH.

Realising the preciousness of this seed, they bend over dropping the seeds in the dry dirt, sowing with tears and with faith. The enemy gave them no hope and the natural man offered them no hope but they planted trusting in God.

Why? Because God gave them this assurance. If they would sow in tears believing in Him they would gather their harvest rejoicing!

Same is applicable to you today, have you laboured in tears with faith in God and your results are still pending?

There are times when it seems that everything around us is against us, but we can always look upward to God in hope and trust and know that if we hang on in faith, God will bring a great reward and He will turn our tears into rejoicing.

Have you worked so hard and prayed and things still seems to remain the same?

God promised of a bounty harvest, only trust in Him, your labour of faith, sacrifices, offerings, diligence,  supplications are clearly seen before Him and He will bring you the joy of harvest that your soul thirst for.

Good bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, I trust in you, being to me the harvest of my labour in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, gel me to trust you and never to give up in Jesus Christ name.

4. Lord, thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.