The Sacrifice of a fool

Ecclesiastes  5:1 Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the sacrifice of fools: for they consider not that they do evil.

The word "fool" or "foolish" has been used to describe persons on several occasions in the scripture. It's definition as used in the scripture does not translate someone that has deficient knowledge about something or someone without sense, but someone who works or do some things according to the flesh contrary to the spirit.

What is “the sacrifice/worship of fools?”

The problem with fools is not merely that they mistakenly use some "unauthorized" procedure in their worship (although they may, as we may, err in our understanding in spite of our best efforts).

The problem with the worship of fools is that their intent is not right.

There is such a thing as vain worship

A. Isaiah warned Judah very harshly about vain worship. Isaiah 1:11-15
Their hearts were not right for worship, God is a Spirit and anyone that would worship or made sacrifice to Him must have His/her heart right with God in spirit. God does no it look at our outward emotional display of worship or sacrifice, but looks at the intent of our heart.

B. Jesus recalled Isaiah's words when he rebuked the Pharisees and scribes for following traditions rather than God's commands. Matthew 15:3-9. God does not take delight in the sacrifice of fools.

Some cases of sacrifices offered to God that were rejected.

A. Cain's sacrifice was rejected. Gen 4:3-5
The acceptability of one's sacrifice or offering is not based on the items of offering but on the heart nu which we brought it.

In this event, we can easily see that Abel's spirit was right toward God, but Cain's was not.

God spoke to Cain about "doing well," showing that Cain that if Cain would "do well," his countenance (fallen because of envy) would be lifted up.

Cain did not heed the Lord's admonition. Cain's way of elevating himself was to bring down one who had done better. His offering was not backed up by a life and a heart fully yielded to God.

B. Nadab and Abihu died for offering strange fire (Lev 10:1-3)

Apparently, the fire to be used was that which burned perpetually on the altar (Lev 6:13). They evidently used fire from another source.

Nadab and Abihu did not simply make a mistake in procedure. They made and tried to carry out their own plans, setting God's purposes aside.

God alone knew the reasons for His design of ceremonies of the Jewish religion. He knew what each action prefigured in the grand plan of redemption by Jesus Christ. Whoever altered any part of this ceremonial looking forward to the Messiah assumed a prerogative that belongs to God alone, and was certainly guilty of offense against his Maker.

We are fools if we do not listen to the way God wants us to serve and honour Him, with hearts unpolluted by our own desires and plans.

C. Saul deviated from God's instructions at Amalek (1 Samuel 15).

Saul was not praised for partial obedience. He had an idea he thought was superior to the ideas of God. He was going to sacrifice the sheep and cattle to God. With such sacrifices God was not pleased.

It is not that God gives no margin for error. Obeying God according to our own plans is rebellion, not error on the margins!

It exposes thinking more highly of one's self than he ought to think (Romans 12:3). In the same chapter, Paul wrote "Do not be wise in your estimation." (Romans 12:16)

In so many ways today, we believers also make foolish sacrifices to God thinking we have done our best or an acceptable thing before God, whereas we have done nothing.

Our actions through this becomes the result of closed heaven, unanswered or withheld prayers, it opens doors for the devil to penetrate into our lives etc.

Check your life today and examine where you have offered a foolish sacrifice before God, in the act of disobedience or partial obedience before God.

Ask for forgiveness and make amends where necessary so our life can be realigned back to God's will..

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of another day in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, forgive me for offering a foolish sacrifice before you in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, circumcise my heart according to your will in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.