Immortal God

1 Timothy  1:17 Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

God is not terminal as man. He is not physical in body as man (John 2:4). God is inherently eternal without begining or ending, and thus, indigenous in eternity. 

There exists nothing that is of the same quality of being as God. Therefore, we would conclude that God alone is eternal and that all that exists maintains existence simply because He upholds all things by the word of His power. (Hebrew 2:3)

We will eternally exist after the end of this world only because we will be in the presence of God who will sustain our eternity. (2 th. 2:7-9)

Too often people put God into a category with other things. For example, God is part of religion, and religion is part of our culture. So God is part of our culture. So it is said.

But we must understand that God is not “part” of anything. God is in a category shared with nothing else. God alone is immortal.

God is not a thing that was ever “made.” He just IS -- without beginning or end, or even the possibility of a beginning or end. He alone is immortal.

Before we were born, before our parents were born, before our most remote ancestors were born, God was. When these bodies of ours collapse and turn to dust, God will be.

Before the world was made, God was. And if, as some speculate, in years to come, the universe collapses, God will still be. God alone is immortal.

Beside a world full of changing things, God alone stands immortal.

We live in a world changing so rapidly that it seems to overwhelm and consume us. The pace of change is often hard even to digest, let alone understand. We live in a time when the trappings of life, things like technology and society, are changing so  fast. 

But when you change, when life changes around you, stand on the One who alone is immortal. When all around you is changing, decaying, even disappearing -- even when “all other ground is sinking sand”, God is a place you can stand -- forever, because God alone is immortal.

No one can be trusted, depended on, and ever faithful than God the immortal. In Him alone you can have everlasting peace. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:
1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, hp me to trust you with the whole of my life 

3. Lord, let your power and grace uphold me to the end in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.