The delight in God's instructions

Psalms  1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

To have delight in a thing is to have great pleasure or joy over it. Having delight in God's instructions is to have joy and gladness in obeying God irrespective. 

The scripture says if you obey and follow God’s instructions you will live in perfect freedom. You will have greater wisdom. You will dwell in security and peace.

God often gives us rules and commands in His word, they’re not suggestions; they’re commands, but He doesn’t ALWAYS explain why. He wants you to do them out  of faith. Sometimes they sound unfair. They sound like they’re meant to cramp your style, that God is some kind of kill joy, that He’s limiting you. For instance, the Bible is very clear no sex outside of marriage.

The Bible says when somebody hurts you, you are to forgive them. The Bible says you’re to take the first ten-percent and tithe it back to God. The Bible says when people do evil to you, you are to do good back to them.

A lot of these commands  don’t make sense from a human standpoint. But God says do it. It’s a matter of trust. So then the big question is will I be blessed by obeying what God said to do even when I don’t understand it or by making up my own set of rules because I know more than God.

There’s no question about that.

Obedience is a demonstration of faith. Obedience unlocks the key to all of God’s blessings in life. God promises to reward you if you’ll just follow His directions.

When you know what God wants you to do, when you know what the will of God is, and you did it, the blessings that comes after it will be with peace, joy and gladness rather than when you follow your own self will and latter regret 

When you eventually see the result of obeying God's instructions, the result of waiting, the result of having bed undefiled before marriage, the result of forgiving, etc, then you will be delighted more in His latter instructions.

Undeniably, there are times when obeying God is hard, times when we’d much rather follow our own will than his. Even Jesus knew that experience as he wrestled with his Father’s will in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Yet there are also other times, times when doing God’s will is easy, even delightful. In Psalm 40:8 we read, “I take joy in doing your will, my God.” We receive pleasure from knowing that we are doing that which honors and glorifies God. Moreover, when we do what’s right, we feel a sense of well-being that comes from achieving our life’s purpose. We have been put on this earth to live for God’s glory. When we do it, we feel joy.

Do you have delight in obeying God's instructions today? There is no better way to please God than to obey all His instructions. Your joy will be multiplied when you do. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for not obeying all your interactions for my life in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, give me the grace to delight in your word and instructions in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.