Asking in Christ's name

John  14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

In one of Christ's teaching, He gave a promise to the apostles. The promise was to reassure them that they would be granted their requests. Since their requests would come to the father through the authority of His name, their requests would be answered. 

Because Jesus knew that He was leaving their presence, they needed the confidence of knowing that their communication with the father would not be closed. 

This same reassurance and confidence is extended to us and whoever that believes in God. We have been given the name of the son which is above every other names. 

But this assurance does not implies all we ask will be granted, asking in His name implies asking according to His will and purpose 

Jesus does not say, "I will give you anything you ask for." Nor does He say, "as long as you include the magic words 'in Jesus' name,' I will grant your request." Christ promises He will do anything that is asked "in my name." That implies that the person is asking something consistent with the will and nature of Christ. This, in turn, means such a request is consistent with the will and nature of God (John 14:10) 

Likewise, Jesus notes the purpose for this promise, which is to glorify God. That also implies that requests which dishonor Him, or defy His will, are not expected to be granted. 

Among the worst diseases infecting the church and some Christians  are those who preach God as a genie or wish-granting robot. Christ promises to meet our needs, and to grant requests that are legitimately "in His name." That does not mean we can redefine what we want as if it was something we need. Nor does it mean Christ vows to do as we tell Him, or as we see fit

Asking in God's name is to receive approval to our request as long as our request tallies with God's mind and purpose for our life, this is all for God to be glorified. 

If you have asked and it has not been granted, it does not mean God's name is less powerful, examine if it is in accordance to God's will and in His timing. 

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, bring to pass all your promises in my life in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, as I ask in your name and according to your will, Lord let my request be granted in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.