Why Christians have Trials

1 Peter  1:6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:

Apostle Peter teaches (1peter 1:6-9),  there may be tough times ahead after accepting Christ,  he wants us to be prepared for them.

Some Christians thought  they were through with trials,
They thought faith in Christ would keep them from trials,

They thought the Gospel train was the gravy train.

Then they realize the reality of life.

In this world we will have trouble (John 16:33)

Christians are not immune from sickness,

Christians can have financial problems

Christians parents can have trouble with their children

Christian workers can have bosses who are hard to please.

These trials have not taken God by surprise
He remains the same in all situations (Heb.13:8)

Always know the following :

In trials our faith in Christ is being perfected

Our victories through faith bring praise to Christ
Our trials are temporary

Our rewards for faithfulness are all eternal

Our unseen saviour goes through our trials with us,  He will never leave us not forsake us (He. 13:5)

His  grace is sufficient for every trial

Are you experiencing trials?

God will meet you in your trials,  and enrich your faith

Your victory is near,  don't give up.
God bless you