More than say and hear

James  1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

How many words have you heard and how many of the word have you preached ?

During sermons, lectures, bible sturdy ? , sunday schools, believers class?, cooperate or one-on-one? , on the radio , or television ? , tracts or social media?

In all this ... ...How many have you acted upon ?

How many have you made use of?

It goes beyond hearing and preaching it

You can recite the whole of the Bible (it makes no meaning to God ; even the devil can)

The most important is being the doer of the word.

You don't live by the word alone , you let the word lives in you.

The word of God is not just the passport to heaven but the way you must follow.

Jesus Christ is the word that must live in us

Don't be like Judas,  who know too well of Jesus the word,  and yet miss the way. 

As a minster,  let the word minister to you.

As a teacher,  let the word teaches you.

As a preacher,  let the word preach to you

As believer in Christ let the word convicts you

Let the word be rooted in you . and stop deceiving yourself

Until you are rooted in the word,  then,  you can command the word in prayer. 

God bless you