
Ecclesiastes  3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Time is the only substance that determine the existence of man

The strength of a man vanishes as time pass, ( the most powerful man 50 years ago is weak  and gone today)

The beauty of a woman fades away as time pass (miss world 1960 would be  a old woman today if not dead)

Nothing in this world last forever, the best house today will definitely not be the best tomorrow .

The best car today will definitely be outdated in years to come

The most important thing is the good you make out of your time ?

Have you been proud ?

Have you been oppressing the poor?

Have you been saying you are the best and there is  no one like you?

As much as this world is concern, nothing last forever. 

Remember the Sun that rises in the morning will surely set when it is evening.

There is still time  to make it right,  only when your heart  still beats

Make good use of your time when you still can.

May you not regret ever coming coming to this world

God bless you ..