God hates the Proud

Proverbs  16:5 Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.
Proud is to be Possessed of a due sense of what one is worth or deserves,  Generating a sense of pride; being a cause for pride.

Pride is what makes someone to look down on others , it makes someone thinks one can succeed without help.

The book of Daniel  chapter 4 tells the story of King Nebuchadnezzar,  He  thinks highly of himself and does not recognize nor confess that God rules and not man.

Nebuchadnezzar believes that “he” is in control and that “he” has built a great empire. He believes that the gods favor him over others. The One True God is getting ready to humble this individual that is consumed with the sin of pride.

Many are proud of their Spiritual lives, 

Many are proud of their Talents /Gifts

Many are proud of their social/ethnic background,

Many are proud of their  educational qualifications and economical power.

Whoever or whatever you are or have is from God.

The consequence of pride is  always destruction. Pride will destroy an individual.

Pride will even destroy nations. God has not left us on this earth to be self-centered. He has left us on this earth to be God-centered.

As we live God-centered lives we will minister to others. God’s heart is for people. As we live God-centered lives, our heart will be for others instead of self.

Pride always set one against God and the end is dreadful .

learn to appreciate what God has given you by dedicating it to His glory.

Don't look down on others,  because the position you are today is just a privilege.

The higher the Ego, the harder the fall

Always remember  that,  there is always one true God,  who can put an end to everything you have in just a minute.


God bless you.