What do you have?

2 Kings  4:2 And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.

This was the story of the wife of one of the sons of prophets,  who died at his prime,  

This woman was left with two great burdens of life, Death and Debts. The creditors came to foreclose on her boys to be slave 

This woman went quickly to seek the wisdom and help of  God ...  Blessed is the woman who knows where to go when her family is in need.  

Elisha considering her problem,  "what shall I do for you,  what hast thou in the house? 

The response of the woman pave way for God's blessing to penetrate,  she said I have nothing but only a pot of oil.  
That  could have been an anointing oil which is not enough,  

But that serve as the tuning point. 

*Note:* Elisha could have given her money to sort things out,  but he wanted her to have a source of blessing. 
That was a time for action,  after prayer you take a step of faith.  

The little pot of oil becomes a deport.

What you have is enough to make you great 

What you have is enough to turn your family around 

What you have is enough to change your financial status 

Your creativity is enough  for  God to bless you with.  

But the problem is,  we often fail to discover what we already have. 

Many will continue to live in penury because they fail to discover

Many will not become blessed because they overlooked the little in their hands. 

God will not bless an idle hand,  neither will He  perform magic,  something in you must trigger the blessing to come.

What do you have that the Lord can bless you with.?

Successful men don't first look for what they don't have,  but they use what they already have to get what they don't have.

Look withing you and discover yourself out,  

God bless you.