Stay Positive in this Negative World

Philippians  4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

We live in a negative world,  this Negative world has Many problems that characterised it. 

We are affected by  the world's trouble, raging from violence,  abortion,  home  breakups, child abuse,  Hospitals, prisons among others. 

But we are not to be Negative People,  we are to focus on positive thoughts and praise, 

Things that true,  honest and just
Things that are pure,  lovely, and  of good report.

Still some Christians are Negative.... Complaining how can we ever stay positive in this Negative world?

We must reprogram our thinking,  we are constantly bombarded by negative messages

Though we are aware of the world's problem keep increasing everyday

Though we are aware the government are not making life easier for people to live, 

Though situations of life warrant one to take a reverse step out of faith.

But we must respond to God's love towards us in spite  of our circumstances

His love which is revealed in the Bible,  and seen Clearly on the cross. 

The world cannot produce a full positive result as much as the son of perdition (The devil)  is still in this world

How well can we please God if we continue to be Negative?

How well can we represent God,  if our daily thoughts are Negative.? 

We are the light of this world,  we are created to shine through, wherever we find ourselves,

Challenges will continue to come to us,  as much as we live, but the spirit of God in us (Holy spirit)  will guide us through them all.  (John 16:33)

Live a positive life that pleases God,  even in this Negative world. 

God's blessing await those that stand firm in Him.

God bless you.