The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy

Galatians  5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

Understanding  the fruits of the spirit to be joy, 

The joy of Salvation,  David wrote in the book of psalm 51:12, with a burdened heart

He had lost the joy of salvation,  he longed to have it again, 
The  joy of knowing sins are forgiven, 
The joy of being a child of God
The joy of knowing heaven is ahead
The joy of being at peace with God.

The joy of a fruitful life, 

We need to evaluate our spiritual conditions often, 
Is the joy of the Lord our daily experiences?
If not,  why not?

What needs to he corrected in us?.
Are we abiding in Christ still?
Are we fully surrendered to Him?
Are we keeping a strong devotional life?
Are we feeding on God's Word daily?.
Are we confessing all known sins to Him?

Are we experiencing the joy of leading others to Christ?
This is one of the reasons of Heaven's joy
This brings joy to the angels. This made the cross bearable for Jesus.

The joyful spirit-filled life produces converts..
Spirit produced joy cannot be worked up.
The fruit of the Spirit comes from within
Stop grieving the Holy Spirit, stop quenching the Holy Spirit.

Experience the joy of the Lord today. 
God bless you.