The Alabaster jar of oil

Matthew  26:7 There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat.  26:8 But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste?

This was a story of a woman who anointed Jesus' feet with a very precious and costly oil,  in an act of humbly and worship to Jesus Christ.

 many criticize her for her action, 
Many suggested the oil could be used for something more important
Many saw it as a waist of resources. 

But the saviour saw it,  as a great act
Jesus Christ exult the woman's act and embroiled her name in his ministry as a remembrance forever

Action point

What good have you been doing that people criticise you with?

Have u been helping people,  and you think it could be a waist?

Are people not appreciating you for the kindness you have shown so far amongst your friends,  relatives,  and co-workers?

I encourage you today to  continue the good work God has destined in your hands. 

Don't stop giving
Don't stop helping
Don't stop teaching people the right thing to do
Don't stop the good works of faith

Though people may not appreciate,  but God in heaven sees and will reward your good works.

God bless you real good