Sudden Help

2 Samuel  9:1 And David said, Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him kindness for Jonathan's sake?

Mephiboshet was the son of Jonathan,  King David's friend,  he was long forgotten,  he was forsaken,

He has lost hope of a better future,  his plan of becoming great in life was shattered when  his father died.

But there was a turn around,  a visit of Grace and mercy,  a divine and sudden Help came,  he was remembered and a was made great,  He became one to seat on the king's table.

Sudden help has nothing to do with your certificate,

Sudden help has nothing to do with the protocol of man,

Sudden help walks with grace and mercy, 

Sudden help comes when  your hope is lost gone

Sudden help comes when no one is available to help you.

Sudden help comes when you have retired your wisdom and understanding to God the source. 

You may have tried your best,  without result, 

You may have prayed but it seems,  prayers are not answered

You are about to be disgraced,  or your are already defeat.

I pray for you this day

May God visit you with a sudden Help that will wipe away your tears in Jesus name.

God bless you.