Jesus the Lord of your House

Luke  19:5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house.

It is wise to have Jesus in your house. 
To some people,  Jesus only lives in church buildings,  they attend church to feel Jesus in the services,  they feel they  leave Jesus as they leave the meetings 

Jesus ought to be recognised in your house,  Our Lord brought blessings to many houses,  the blessings Jesus brought to Peter's house(Mark 1:29-34), also the house of Zacchaeus 

Is Jesus comfortable in your house?...

... With the conversation in your house? 

... With the attitudes evident there? 

... With the entertainment there? 

It is wise to worship Jesus in your House. ...
Worship lifts the heart to praise God for all He is and has done. 

... How long since you thanked God for salvation in your house? 

... How long since you knelt in prayer in your house? 

... How long since you praised God in song in your house? 

... Do you have a daily worship time in your house? "

... Is the presence of the Lord sensed in your house? 

If your answers are No,  then you need to  invite Jesus. 

Going to church on Sabbath alone does not reflect your love for Christ

What changes need to be made in your House,  that will make Jesus comfortable. 

Do it now,  and enjoy His presence.  

Make Jesus the Lord of your house 

God bless you