First to steal , latter to kill and destroy

John  10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Thief here is categorized as the devil, who has no other mission , than to steal , kill and destroy

A little crack in the wall , can give the devil a chance to penetrate into your life .

Do not give the devil a chance in your life, family, marriage etc or you find yourself to blame

Do not let your carelessness gives the devil a chance to fulfill his mission in your life

Do not be carries away by the lust of this world,  it's a means for the devil to penetrate into your life. 

Do not give in to the lies if the Devil,  they are all deceit,  which brings destruction at the end. 

The devil can give you riches,  wealth,  joy and happiness,   but  it's only for a little time,  in an exchange for your life and eternity.

Be vigilant , your adversary is roaring , seeking whom to devour.

I pray,  Devil's mission concerning your life, family, marriage , finances, education etc is terminated in Jesus Christ  name.

Good morning