The Mystery of the Kingdom of God (2)The willing heart Matthew 13: 3-8

Matthew  13:8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.

Yesterday we understood the meaning of an unwilling heart and the result of the seed of God's word planted into such life. Today we will be looking at the Willing heart, we will understand the kind of heart it is and the fruit such heart will bring. 

The willing heart, depicted as the good soil, is open, receptive, and eager to receive the seeds of God's truth. Unlike the unwilling heart, this soil is not hardened by doubt or resistant to the divine message. Instead, it welcomes the Word with a spirit of humility, understanding, and readiness to bear fruit.

As we explore the characteristics of the willing heart, let us first acknowledge its softness. A heart softened by the grace of God is pliable, yielding to the wisdom and guidance found in His Word. It is not rigid or stubborn but allows the seeds of God's love to take root deeply, nurturing a faith that withstands the storms of life.

Furthermore, the willing heart is a heart of understanding. It comprehends the profound truths woven into the fabric of Scripture, recognizing the transformative power of God's Word. This understanding goes beyond mere knowledge; it penetrates the depths of the soul, inspiring a life lived in accordance with God's will.

The parable speaks of a bountiful harvest—100, 60, or 30 times what was sown. This imagery illustrates the remarkable abundance that flows from a willing heart.

 When we embrace God's Word with enthusiasm and obedience, our lives become a testimony to His grace. Our actions, attitudes, and relationships become a rich harvest that brings glory to His name.

let us strive to cultivate and maintain willing hearts. Hearts that are soft, understanding, and ready to receive the seeds of God's Word. As we do so, we position ourselves to bear fruit in abundance, reflecting the transformative power of God's love in our lives.

In conclusion, the mystery of the kingdom is that, not all heart will receive the good news the lord bring, not everyone's will be soft to retain the truth of God's word and can stand the test of time. But in such, we are to make our heart a willing heart so we can bear fruits for God both here on earth and in His kingdom to come. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key::

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, make my heart a willing heart which will produce a harvest that brings joy to you in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord. Grant me the grace to always be rooted in you in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.