Father and Son works

John  5:21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will.

The harmony between God the farther and son cannot be quantified, and this shows continuity in power and grace of God on earth through the ministry of Jesus the son. 

   In the beginning, the Father spoke creation into existence, and through His divine will, life emerged. Today, we witness this same life-giving power bestowed upon the Son. It is a reminder that creation and redemption are woven together in a shade of divine love.

   The Father and the Son work in harmony to bring forth redemption for humanity. The Father, in His mercy, orchestrates the grand plan of salvation, and the Son, in perfect obedience, carries out this divine mission on earth. It is a symphony of grace, where the Father's love and the Son's sacrifice converge to bring life to the spiritually dead.

   As we delve deeper into John 5:21, we encounter the profound truth of resurrection. The Father, with His resurrection power, raises the dead, and this same power is manifested through the Son. Through their united works, the spiritually dead find life, and the broken find healing.

   This divine partnership serves as a model for earthly relationships, particularly between fathers and sons. The humility and obedience displayed by the Son toward the Father exemplify the ideal relationship dynamic. Fathers are called to guide with wisdom, and sons are called to respond with respect and obedience.

   In light of this revelation, let us respond with gratitude and a renewed commitment to walk in obedience to the divine will. May we seek to align our lives with the Father's purpose and embrace the life-giving work of the Son in our hearts.

In conclusion, let us be inspired by the seamless collaboration between the Father and the Son. May we, too, engage in the divine partnership of faith, trusting in the Father's plan and embracing the life-giving grace extended through His Son.

God bless you

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, give me the grace to also honour your will in my life in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help me not to misuse the grace of the father in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.