Loosing Savour

Mark  9:49 For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.  9:50 Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another. 

Salt, a common element in daily life, holds significant spiritual symbolism. It is associated with preservation, flavor, and covenant. Christ's words remind us that as His followers, we are to be like salt in the world, preserving truth, bringing flavor to life, and honouring our covenant with God.

As salt preserves food, so also Christians with their godly characters preserve the society from moral decay. The impurities of unrefined salt had no preservation qualities, when Christians lose their preservative influence of a godly example, they are useless for God to preserve the decay of society.

When salt loses its saltiness, it is good for nothing, and thus, it is thrown out into the rubbish heap. So it is with a disciple. When a Christian loses his Christian influence in the community, he is good for nothing with reference to influencing people to come to Jesus.  His bad reputation repels people from coming to Christ 

The position of every believer in Christ in the world is to be the salt of the world. To be the salt of the world means that believers are valuable to the world. Believers becomes essential commodity that is needed in the world in order to have sane society. 

To be the salt of the world also means that believers preserve the  society from moral decay.

Yet, the warning is clear from the scripture verse: salt can lose its savour. Just as saltless salt is useless, a believer who loses their spiritual essence becomes ineffective in fulfilling their purpose. How does one lose their savour?

1. Complacency: When we become complacent in our faith, taking it for granted, our spiritual vibrancy can diminish.

2. Compromise: Yielding to the pressures of the world, compromising our values, dilutes the distinctiveness of our Christian witness.

3. Conflict:  Internal strife and external discord can erode our spiritual flavour, hindering our ability to be at peace with one another.

So, how do we retain our savour?

1. Cultivate Spiritual Disciplines:  Regular prayer, study of God's Word, and fellowship with other believers strengthen our spiritual core.

2. Guard Against Compromise: Hold firm to your convictions and resist the allure of worldly compromises.

3. Promote Peace: Actively pursue peace in your relationships, resolving conflicts with love and humility.

Let us heed Christ's call to be the salt of the earth. In doing so, we not only retain our savour but also fulfill our divine purpose in making a positive impact on the world around us.

May the salt of our faith never lose its savour, and may we, as followers of Christ, continually bring flavour, preservation, and peace to a world in need. Amen

God bless you 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name 

2. Lord, forgive me for deliberately loosing my savour due to mt compromise with the world in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me not to lose my savour in every place I find myself in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ. Amen.