Coming boldly to the throne of grace

Hebrews  4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

 The throne of grace  is often associated with power, authority, and majesty. However, in this passage, we see it in a different light. It is not just any throne; it is a throne of grace. What does this mean?

The throne of grace is where God's infinite love and boundless mercy meet His sovereignty and holiness. It's a place where we encounter the very heart of God, full of compassion and understanding. It's a place where our deepest needs, fears, and struggles are met with divine grace.

The second part of Hebrews 4:16 teaches us to "come boldly." To come boldly means to approach with confidence, without hesitation or fear. 

This is a significant contrast to the Old Testament, where access to God was restricted to a select few and even then with great fear and trembling. In Christ, we have the privilege of approaching God boldly because of the work of Jesus on the cross.

The verse concludes with the purpose of coming boldly before the throne of grace: "that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." We all face moments of need and desperation in our lives. 

These are times when we require God's intervention, mercy, and grace. And the beauty of this passage is that we don't have to come timidly or with a sense of unworthiness. We can come boldly because God invites us to do so.

As a child of God, don't hesitate to come boldly before the throne of grace. God is waiting to pour out His mercy and grace upon you. May this truth bring comfort and encouragement to your hearts, knowing that you are deeply loved and accepted in the presence of our gracious and loving God.

In conclusion, We can approach the throne of grace confidently and find the help we need in our times of struggle. The throne of grace is not a distant, intimidating place; it is a welcoming and loving presence of our Heavenly Father.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, I come boldly to the throne of grace, grant me mercy in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, fill my heart with your spirit which will make my confident be rooted in you. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.