Your presence should be His presence

Luke  1:41 And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:

Mary mother of our Lord Jesus Christ had just received the word, from the angel and the word became a seed in her womb and she was filled with the holy spirit. 

She went to the house of Zechariah to tell of the goodness of God to Elizabeth, at the instance of her presence, the holy Ghost fell upon Elizabeth, both the mother and child testify to God. 

As a believer in Christ, renewed, baptised with both water and spirit, you carry the presence of God in you through Jesus Christ. 

Wherever you go to, wherever you step on, there must be a confirmation of the presence of the Lord Himself. 

Your presence should bring joy, happiness, liberty, grace, healing and solutions to people's problem., because Jesus Himself lives in you. 

But what happen when people see you today... Instead of seeing the fullness of Christ, all they see is gossip, hatred, hypocrisy, deceit, lies, corruption, ungodliness etc. 

It was recorded of Apostle Peter when he was full of the Holy spirit that even his shadow heals the sick... When your presence does not give life, is it your shadow that will raise the dead?  Impossible. 

If people see you and they do not see Christ, your faith should be questioned. 

Your presence in that office should make a difference. 

Your presence in your neighbourhood should tell of the goodness of God. 

Your presence in the church should be a testament of God's presence. 

What do you carry today? 

You can't claim to carry Christ and yet have  no evidence to show for it. It goes beyond bearing Christian names, or your baptismal certificate or identifying with a church. 

Let Christ be in you, and let others see the light radiate out of you into their lives.

Your life should be the one that illuminate people's darkness and not kill the little light of God in them.

Your presence should be God's presence because you are in God.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord I thank you for a time like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord fill my life with your fullness In Jesus name

3. Lord, help me to be the carrier of your presence anytime, anyday and anywhere in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name. Amen.