The perfect in heart will see God in action.

2 Chronicles  16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars.

The God we serve is a sovereign God, who sees all and knows all,  His eyes run to and from throughout the whole earth, and nothing is hidden before Him.

God sees our Labour of faith, He sees our various prayer activities, our act of love towards others, and our act of giving, yet it is only the perfect in heart that will see Him in action.

God cannot be deceived, our clothed religious activities cannot block our deceptive heart from God's view.

We pray without answer, we fast without response, we ask for the presence of God, but heaven is closed, not that our voices of prayers are far from His ears but our heart is far away from Him.

We experience defeat daily, our prayers are not answered, we face difficulties,  problems, barrenness, failure and lose, not because God is not powerful to save us, but because our heart is full of gilt of sin and we are not willing to humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness.

God is too faithful to fail the faithful in heart.,  

Your life of struggle can come to an end, if only you humble yourself and acknowledge God in your heart.

Pray to God and ask for mercy, He will surly answer.

Only the perfect in heart will see God in action..
God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus name

2. Lord, I ask for forgiveness for all my secret sins in my heart.

3. Lord, I humble myself before you, have mercy on me in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayer in Jesus Christ name. Amen.