The judgment of God is without Exception

Romans  2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God.

In my walk with God and ministry and study of His word in recent years, I have seen many personalities whom God worked with and have very deep intimacy with...

Some in their relationship with God even speak with God like brother to brother just like it was in the garden of Eden...

But in all these, God didn't spare anyone who sin against Him, either through disobedience, or misuse of His grace upon them.

Also in our generation I have seen many "Men of God", "fire branded" brothers and sister who boast of their relationship with God and His grace upon them... 'it's all well and good'

But when it comes to them committing one sin or the other, making mistakes against the words and commands of God, people tend to say 'respect the anointing on his head', 'Respect grace' or "the grace of God on his head can disgrace you" even when the person in question is sinking in sin...

The truth is, God doesn't have favourite when it comes to passing judgment, if God did not spare angels that see him face to face when they sin, and cast them to hell, how much more humans that sin against Him and misuse His grace. (2 Peter 2:4)

Shall we continue in sin and the grace of God abound? God forbid ( Romans 6:2).  You are sinking in sin, but the congregation is seen grace and anointing, people are calling your attention to it, but you say "touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm",  not only will God touch you with the arm of His judgment but the fury of His anger will harm you to Hell if you do not repent.

He that thinks he stand should take heed, there is no one who cannot fall into sin, but the saving grace of God is available to anyone who is remorseful and willing to repent and not those who rejoice in sin.

People see grace but God sees disgrace in disguise 
People see anointing but God sees a rejected servant
People see signs and wonders and souls won, but God sees a  reward without a recipient. 

Matthew  24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

The number of churches you planted will not save you
The number of souls you win will not save you
The number of signs and wonders you perform will not save you
The highest level you obtain in the spirit now will not save you...

But only if.... You are faithful to the end
Only if you are righteous to the end
Only if you are holy to the end

Because God's judgment has no favouritism or exception

Don't end in Hell while your Labour of faith is evident in heaven.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for another blessed day in Jesus name.

2. Lord, forgive Evey sin in my heart, both secret and open sins.

3. Lord, grant me the grace to live a righteous life till the end in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.